Tag Archives: better world

5 projects of sustainable tourism to watch out for in 2015
VenTo: from Venice to Turin by bike Italy will finally have one long bike trail featuring state of the art security, thanks to VenTo. The bike path runs for 679 km and connects Venice and Turin, crossing Milan via the picturesque path of the Navigli, the area of canals designed by Leonardo da Vinci in […]
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Amazing anti-waste projects
In modern society important techniques and ideas to reduce every day wasting have become increasingly important, in fact the consumer lifestyle, that is common among most of the world’s population, brings us to produce a lot more of waste than is not really necessary. Just think about the world production of waste, which is, per […]
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Insects without borders
The beginning of a strange manifest of «a non-profit association which aims at safeguarding and promoting where possible all kinds of insects in all parts and places of the world»,1 may not seem the most sensible way to talk of pesticides. But the world in which we are inevitably shaping, through the increased use of […]
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Ride with us, from Venice to Copenhagen. An unusual journey to stop climate change
Everything comes between a coffee and a cappuccino, a morning like any other, while Claudio chats with customers of his small bar in the province of Venice. Daniel enters the bar and offers her crazy idea to his friend: arrive by bicycle to Copenhagen to promote the everyday use of the bicycle and to stop climate […]
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Pearls of Responsible Tourism in the Alps
There are villages in the Alps where it seems to go back in time, but also to live in the future. The landscape is as perfect as that of a nineteenth-century painting: under the white mountains of the deep green of the woods, then the old roofs of the houses, and red geraniums in the […]
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Earth Overshoot Day
It is well known that most of people’s daily actions have an influential power on environmental health of the planet, but do you know how to recognize the limit? The Global Footprint Network, an international research center estimate each year the date on which humanity’s ecological footprint overtakes the regenerative capabilities of Earth, analyzing the […]
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Sustainable Tourism in Italy
Sustainable tourism in Italy did well in the year 2009 because of pressure and inspiration to preserve the environment. The trend is continuing with Italy’s travel and tourism sector integrating the Eco-friendly practices. However, sustainable tourism in Italy is not made to boost the economy only but they are also aiming at benefiting local communities. […]
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European Mobility Week: events not to miss in Italy
From September 16 to 21, Europe celebrates the Mobility Week in about 2.000 European town. Let’s discover more about the mobility week in Italy! Music concerts on board trams, readings for children on the bus ride, treasure hunts cycling, group rides, lectures, tours … more than 60 events in Italy to promote respect for the environment in the movements, […]
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5 new eco-friendly uses of a bike
It ‘s the first mean of transport we learn to lead, it doesn’t require much running costs and maintenance (or anyway considerably less than a car), allows us to move without having the traffic, helps us to keep fit and to preserve nature. It’s just the bike! Resulting from the old penny farthing, the bicycle […]
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How it happened I found myself watering zucchini instead of answering mails of angry clients!
Never thought of playing a part in “Hamlet” and go back home mumbling the immortal line “to be or not to be” while holding a tomato in your hand? Well, it could happen sooner or later at “Teatro Franco Parenti”. Why? Have all actors gone vegetarian, are they supporting organic food? It could be but […]
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