We all have daily habits that contribute to harming the planet. Perhaps you smoke, maybe you drive a car with heavy mileage, or you leave the light on when you leave the room. There is, however, one thing that causes a lot of harm to the planet, and that is wasting water. Wasting water is such a big problem that it has led to a global water crisis. There are solutions to this crisis, but not all of them show immediate results.

Water Waste

There is a distinct difference between water waste and wasting water. When you waste water, you are using too much water. Water waste, or wastewater, refers to sewage water and drain water. Water waste originates from multiple places in a community, including households and businesses. Your home produces four kinds of wastewater.

Greywater. This is wastewater from sinks, basins, showers, baths, and washing machines. It contains bits of food and harmless soap residue. It can be reused in other parts of the household, like cleaning bathrooms and watering the garden. It is also called sullage.

Blackwater. This is wastewater that originates from toilets and bathrooms. It is partly made up of human waste, like bodily fluids and faeces. It also includes water from kitchens and dishwashers that contain grease and cooking oil. This water harbours bacteria and organisms that can damage the environment and be harmful to people and animals. Although, it can be used to fertilise plants. This type of wastewater is more dangerous. It is also called sewage.

Yellow-water. This is just urine. There is no faeces, food, or soap in this wastewater. It makes excellent fertilizer.

Brown-water. This is purely faeces. It is the collection of faeces in the wastewater system. After being recycled, this wastewater can be used as fertilizer and to regenerate dirt.

Global Water Waste Crisis

Most of the water on earth is not suitable for drinking or agriculture. When more water is used than is necessary, and available, it can lead to a shortage of already limited water supplies. This water shortage is when the demand for water is more than the unpolluted and usable water that is available. The situation has gotten so dire that it is now a global issue and we have to get started on working towards solutions.

There are multiple causes for water shortage.

  • Physical water scarcity is when the demands of an area outweigh the availability of the natural water resource.
  • Economic water scarcity is when the water available in an area has not been managed properly.
  • Climate change has influenced weather patterns because of global warming.
  • Draughts, floods, and other natural events can also cause water shortages.
  • Increased use and depletion of freshwater resources due to an increase in population.
  • When people use more water than they need, thereby also wasting water.
  • Using too much groundwater, while not giving it enough time to refill.
  • With the increase in the global population comes an increase in demand for freshwater.
  • The pollution of available water sources.
  • Inadequate water management infrastructure.
  • Agricultural irrigation that isn’t properly managed and maintained.

Impact of Water Waste on The Environment

Global Water Waste Crisis
Photo via Canva PRO

The scarcity of water does not only affect people, but also the natural environment. Wastewater contains a lot of different elements that can be harmful to people, animals, ecosystems, and the economy. These elements include soil, rubble, floating litter, bacteria, viruses, organic waste, nutrients, and various chemicals.

When natural water sources are impeded, they can have a negative impact on ecosystems and natural processes. Too much nitrogen and phosphorus lead to eutrophication. Due to eutrophication, the oxygen levels in freshwater sources get depleted, leading to it becoming a toxic environment for fish and other aquatic creatures. This also alters the physical environmental aspects of these bodies of water. Things like rising water temperatures, slower flow rates, and altered pH levels. It also leads to the development of floating debris in these water sources. This contaminates bodies of water and their habitats. The water will become stagnant, creating the perfect environment for bacteria and diseases. That is if the water didn’t already have harmful chemicals and toxins in it due to wastewater reuse on crops.

Wasting water also has negative effects on the environment. They are:

Anthropocentric. When you waste water, you limit the already limited amount of water available in the world. People need water for drinking, cooking, cleaning, and agriculture. If an area doesn’t have enough water it can lead to the spread of bacteria and viruses, while contributing to a lack of food and thereby hunger.

Biocentric. Animals and plants also need water to survive. Lack of water can lead to the extinction of some species, and a threat to the survival of others. People also need plants and animals to survive.

Eco-centric. When there is a lack of water people turn to groundwater and aquifers. The problem is that they use the water faster than it has the chance to refill. This is not a sustainable alternative.

Wasting and Saving Water

wasting and saving water

We have various habits that waste water, but that also have solutions. Instead of keeping the water running while washing your face, fill the basin with just enough water. Use a cup when brushing your teeth so that you can limit the amount of water you waste. Don’t fill the bathtub all the way when a quarter will do. Limit your shower time instead of just standing under the water. Extra hot water evaporates quicker than water that’s at a moderate temperature. Catch and store the water that’s flowing while you wait for it to get warm. When preparing meals, we waste a lot of water by keeping the water running when rinsing food and items. Instead, fill the sink with a bit of water and use that for rinsing purposes.

Fix leaking pipes and dripping taps to save water and your sanity. Store water that was used for meal preparations and washing the dishes, so that you can use it to water the garden. Water your garden at the right time of the day to use water efficiently. Don’t fill the kettle all the way every time you want to make yourself a cup of tea. This will save energy and water. Fill the dishwasher and washing machine all the way before turning them on. Collect rainwater in buckets for free water. These are just a few ideas.


This article very briefly skims over some of our daily habits that are harmful to the planet, but focuses mainly on water waste. The difference between wastewater and wasting water is explained, along with the types of wastewater. More context is given on the global water waste crisis, and on the causes of water shortage. The impact that water waste has on the environment is also discussed. Ways that we waste water are given alongside solutions on how to save water.