Tourism is one of the most important industrial sectors in the world, but also one of the most impactful on the environment. Currently, for tourism companies, whether small or large, sustainability is a fundamental key element.
But what is meant by sustainability? The term sustainability indicates a development paradigm that integrates economic, social and environmental aspects, with a global perspective, to improve both the living conditions of populations and the maintenance of ecosystems.
For this reason, to date, the real challenge is related to sustainability, or rather the compatibility of the enterprise system with the surrounding systems, first the environmental ecosystem.
Starting from the concept of Corporate Citizenship, being a “good” member of the Community of which you are part respecting the laws and customs and actively contributing to its organic development, the company must operate with the perspective of the shared value to reach in balanced way social and economic objectives optimizing at the same time the ecological impact of the business choices.
Concretely what it must do is formally adhere to the values of sustainability; realize good practices so that you can improve the environmental impact of production activities and the work of collaborators; provide support to specialized organizations (non-profit) for the implementation of projects for the benefit of weak parties; report the activities of social and environmental importance, obtained over a certain period.
Unlocking Climate Resilience: The Crucial Role Of Sustainable Tourism
About the tourism sector, when it comes to sustainability, the situation becomes more complex because we are faced with numerous climatic events and not that inevitably pollute environmental, social and economic welfare. Therefore, tourism becomes sustainable when its development preserves the activities related to it with the aim of extending the life cycle of tourist resorts so that there is the possibility of offering a product that meets the expectations of tourists/consumers increasingly sensitive to the characteristics of natural and genuine products.

How Can Tourism Be Sustainable?
The World Tourism Organization’s Point of View
The World Tourism Organization (WTO) considers several points that a socially responsible investment (SRI) investor must follow to keep all this alive. For example: the necessary protection of the environment, compromised by carbon emissions, the minimization of energy consumption, and garbadges.
Finally, there is another pivotal point that acts on sustainable tourism, namely the relationship between host and guest and their behavior. For this reason, it is good to involve the local community, through a representative, consider the perceptions and opinions of the residents, and make the guest-tourists assume the right responsibilities to avoid a tourism without rules and sustainability.

Well, yes, for the tourism sector sustainability is already the right answer!