Adesso is a German Magazine which publishes articles in Italian too. On the 13th of November they indeed published an article about Green and Eco-friendly destinations in Italy.
The article shows that one out of four Italians try to reduce his/her negative impact on the environment. Nowadays Italians in fact tend to be ‘Greener’ travellers and accomodations, which support the sustainability of the environment, are increasing as well.

‘A dip in the Green, an eco-friendly holiday’
This is the title of the article, which lists the most eco-friendly Italian destinations.
- Trentino Alto Adige. The region with the most extended area of forest in Italy, it’s indeed very pupular among tourists, who love Lake Garda as well.
- Milan. Here, environmental sustainability is ganing greater importance. Moreover there are Green districts, charging stations for electric vehicles and Bike-Sharing.
- Piedmont. This is an environmentally conscious region, where you can also find slow destinations avoinding mass tourism.
- Tuscany. Legambiente awarded Tuscany for the developing eco-tourism, especially in Maremma Park and Elba Island.
- Umbria. It is the Green Lung of Italy and this area is promoting a project of electric mobility.
- Abruzzo. The region boasts the greatest natural area in Europe, because there are many protected natural parks.
- Apulia and all its marine protected areas.
- Sicily and Sardinia are both heavenly destinations. The former offers a great number of eco-friendly accomodations, while the latter is recognised as the most eco-friendly Italian region in 2019.
The not-to-be-missed Ecobnbs in Italy
Here’s list of all the Ecobnb you cannot miss, according to Adesso Magazine.
- Le Fay Resort and Spa Garda Lake (Lombardy) . With its breathtaking view, the resort reduces Co2’s 1130 tons every year.
- Le Fay Resort and Spa Dolomites (Trentino Alto-Adige). This resort isn’t far away from Madonna di Campiglio and it also support local economy.
- Eco Resort and Glamping Sant’Egle (Tuscany). The Resort not only adopts eco-friendly practices, but it also exploits the bio-architecture.
- Borgata Sagna Rotonda (Piedmont). This old village in the mountains was brought back to life with eco-sustainable practices.
- Il Paluffo (Tuscany). The accomodation, not far from Florence, uses photovoltaic panels which covers the 60% of energy requirement.
- Tauber’s BioVital Hotel (Trentino Alto-Adige) . This is an eco-friendly hospitality, it indeed offers guests organic and bio food.
- Bio Resort Naturalis (Puglia). This village was restored using bio-architecture, and it’s only some km away from the crystal clear water of Salento.
- Torre del Cornone (Umbria). This is a low-impact accomodation nearby Aquila.
- La Piantata (Lazio). This Ecobnb is sourrounded by an olive grove and guests can stay in tree-houses.
- Hotel Milano Scala (Lombardy) .This is the first luxury zero emissions hotel in Milan.
- Valle d’Erica Resort Thalasso & Spa (Sardinia). The accomodation exploits only renewable resources and it boasts one of the most panoramic views in Italy.