We should all devote our time to discover the world: traveling makes us happy, makes us better person, it gives us wellness and makes us more open to the rest of the world. It is something natural, which is part of us and that satisfies us.
Whoever said that “travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer” was right, as shown by the experience of those lucky enough to travel but also by science. Let’s find out 5 reasons why traveling is good for us.

Travel more means being more creative

Travel more means being more creative

Numerous studies show that traveling makes people more creative. The destination does not count, nor the purpose: meet new people, experience new cultures and create new habits allows us to develop our cognitive flexibility, a process critical to creativity.

Travelers have more success at work

Travelers have more success at work

It is no coincidence that countries where you have more days off are also the most productive ones: traveling expand our horizons, improving our organizational skills and the ability to problem solving and thus we become better workers. A US Travel Association study showed that those who use all their vacation time to travel have 6.5% higher chance of receiving a promotion.

Travel improves our health

Travel improves our health

Sometimes you need to stop. In everyday life we ​​accumulate stress that damages our health; traveling, especially in nature, greatly decreases anxieties and worries, and also the risk of heart disease.

Travelers are more humble

Travelers are more humble

A study conducted by the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology showed that children used to travel are more humble than their peers who don’t. It’s hard not to downsize yourself in front of the majesty of nature!

Traveling to overcome barriers

Traveling to overcome barriers

It’s just like Mark Twain said: “travel is fatal to prejudice bigotry and narrow mindedness.” Know each other, immerse yourself in other cultures means overcome the stereotypes and break down racial prejudice.

Traveling not only widens your mind, it shapes it.
Bruce Chatwin

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Author: Chiara Marras

I'm Chiara, I strongly believe in the web as a point of exchange and dissemination and I think that one of the most urgent issues at the moment is eco-sustainability. So why not rediscover the journey as a union with nature and local culture?
More posts by Chiara Marras →

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