Tag Archives: press

Süddeutsche Zeitung, the German newspaper wrote about us
Ecobnb still makes itself heard, and it’s back again in German newsstands. This time to talk about the success of our platform is the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, one of the most important of Germany with 430,000 copies sold every day. Here is what is written about us in the article by Sebastian Niemetz dedicated to […]
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The German Magazin Exclusiv talks about us
Ecobnb is back on newsstands of Germany! This time to talk about sustainable travel and our portal is the widespread Magazin Exclusiv that deals with lifestyle and travel. The German magazine dedicated to Ecobnb a short article. Biohotel, Treehouse or zero-emission Mountain Chalet – Ecobnb, the new booking platform for eco-friendly travel to Italy and Europe, is […]
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The Austrian magazine REISE AKTUELL talks about us
The Austrian magazine REISE AKTUELL writes about food, lifestyle and travel. And these days, among the top news, we are there with the article “Walking through Italy”. On the occasion of the Italian National Year of Walk, the magazine recommends 10 routes of our Discover section for holidays in nature in the most beautiful places of the peninsula. […]
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The Austrian Erlebnis website talks about Ecobnb
The journalist Anita auf Reisen published a few days ago an article on Erlebnis, a website of tourism and travels, dedicated to Ecobnb and our offers and ideas for the Italian Year of Walk. The piece of Erlebnis is titled “Hiking in Italy: ideas for holidays in nature” and readers can find the best routes on foot, […]
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The Austrian Wellness Magazin talks about Ecobnb
Even in Austria they talk about green travel and the Italian Year of Walk. The magazine Wellness Magazin has published online a long article dedicated to Ecobnb and its offers of travels in nature. The piece describes to readers our network and suggest 10 beautiful routes from our section “Discover”: from Sicily saw from train to the Majella National Park, from the […]
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Ecobnb is now on TravelMode.com
Valere Tjolle is a British journalist who has always worked in the field of tourism, also working with various associations that deal with sustainable tourism in Europe. Fifty years ago, during his trip to Italy, on the Adriatic Riviera, he fell in love of our landscapes, food and people, and was later transferred to Longiano (near Cesena) […]
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The German magazine Holiday and Lifestyle speaks of Ecobnb
Ecobnb arrived on newsstands in Germany: the quarterly travel magazine Holiday and Lifestyle dedicated a short article about our community, entitled NACHHALTIGER REISEN! (Sustainable travels). In the pages dedicated to travel and internet you can read: Bio-Hotel? Eco-Farm? Or maybe a bed and breakfast? Who wants conscious travel in Italy, you should keep in mind […]
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Ecobnb in Switzerland: 20 Minuten talks about us
In the November issue, the Swiss magazine 20 Minuten dedicates a short article to Ecobnb and sustainable tourism. Here is what they wrote about us: Eco – Airbnb Biohotels or tree houses: On the new platform Ecobnb you can book an eco-friendly tourist accommodation. So far, most of the accommodations are in Italy, but the offer is growing. Read here […]
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Traveller Online talks about Ecobnb
The Austrian online magazine Traveller has written a nice article about Ecobnb, our contest Share Your Green Adventure and the European project of EcoDots. The article says: The purpose of the project is the development of the new web platform – www.ecobnb.com – that wants to promote sustainable tourism in Europe through a network of accommodations and eco-friendly […]
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