Tag Archives: happiness

A trip is the best gift you can give yourself
To commemorate an important milestone, celebrate the start of a new year with the hope that it will be better, for your birthday or simply when you need to pamper yourself: sometimes it is important to think about your happiness and give yourself a gift. Of course, there is plenty of choice. You could treat […]
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Water is happiness
And if there was a link between our mind, our well-being and water? This is the starting point of the wonderful book by Wallace J. Nichols, a Californian marine biologist, that has collected statistics, studies, experiments and new discoveries in neuroscience that tell of a close link between water and happiness. Blue Mind reveals, through […]
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Walking in the woods reduces depression
Walking in the woods helps fight negative thoughts: there is a new study to prove it, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal, conducted at Stanford University by researcher Gregory Bratman. The study (which you can read here) involved 38 subjects living in urban areas. They were subjected to a questionnaire designed to […]
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