Tag Archives: fish

The Importance of Sustainable Fishing Practices: Balancing Conservation and Recreation
Fellow Anglers, as we embark on our next epic fishing adventure, there’s a crucial conversation we need to have with each other, and it’s about the importance of sustainable fishing practices. Whether you’re a salty veteran or a newbie looking forward to your first spinning rod and using a fishing app for the first time, […]
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The Sea: Why It Is Important and How to Protect It
Have you ever wondered why the sea is such an important resource for man and the planet? Find out why and adopt simple but effective behaviors The sea has always been a fundamental resource for men and the planet. It is an environment full of life, inhabited by mammals, fish, mollusks, algae, and much more. […]
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Ecotourism: Top 10 Destination for Scuba Diving
Every dive is always different, but always incredibly exciting. Discover a hushed, sometimes magical, fascinating and mysterious world and a colorful life is a unique and indescribable experience. From Mexico to Tanzania, from the Canary Islands to Thailand, we have found 10 destinations ideal for scuba diving in full respect of the environment, staying in […]
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Meat consumption is destroying our planet: a report by WWF
We eat much more animal protein than we need for healthy life. A lot of people know the impact of meat industry on water, land and habitats. But did you know that the largest impact comes from the crop-based feed the animals eat? A new report by WWF, Appetite for Destruction, was launched at Extinction […]
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