Tag Archives: Amsterdam

Uncovering the Beauty of Amsterdam: Top-Rated Tourist Hotspots
Do you have a free weekend coming up? A great excuse to have an Amsterdam weekend! It’s the perfect green destination, especially if you like cycling or if you are looking for amazing fairytale landscapes. Hurry up and book Amsterdam Canal tours. And we’ll share top-rated tourist hotspots to spend those two days varied and […]
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Walking through European cities: the best destinations
“I have learned that the swiftest traveller is he that goes a-foot” Henry David Thoreau January is the month of reports and good intentions, but we prefer rankings and above all new ideas for traveling! To start this 2022 on the right foot, we have thought about the best way to really discover a city, […]
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Amsterdam keeps the secret of a real green city!
If you love bicycles and culture then Amsterdam is the city you belong to! But how did this city end up being the World’s cycling capital? His relationship with cyclists hasn’t always been happy like today…. In the early 50s, Amsterdam was one of the most congested cities in Europe with a high traffic related death […]
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Amsterdam: among windmills and fairytale houses, the cycling holiday for children
Where to take the kids for the holiday? For example, in a city at the boundary between real and imaginary. Where the houses are on the canals and the bridges opens by rotating so a boat can passes. Where you travel by bicycle and after less than half an hour from the city you are among cows […]
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Go Dutch, Go Green!
Holland is a small country, so the Dutch bought most of our food abroad for centuries. As in the wet grounds, Holland has to offer only potatoes, corn and beetroots to grow easily. For this Holland went overseas to buy fruits, vegetables and much more. But what means a green living for the Dutch people? […]
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In Amsterdam there is a new tunnel… for bikes!
In Amsterdam bikes abound. The inhabitants of the Dutch capital have increasingly chosen the bicycle to go to work, to shop, and to go out through the parks and canals of the city. And the city is adapting and promoting this sustainable lifestyle of its citizens. Annually they invest to build a world that respects […]
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