New encouraging data for sustainable tourism: 68% of tourists prefer to book an eco-friendly accommodation. The data are from, which has carried out in 2016 a global survey, to understand at what point sustainable tourism is and what is the perception that travelers from around the world of have on eco-friendly hotels.
The Sustainable Travel Report reveals that 42% of respondents consider themselves a sustainable travelers, with data that vary between different countries. The percentage reaches 72% among Chinese and falls up to 25% in Japan. But if two-thirds of travelers say they are more inclined to choose an accommodation, if they knew that this is eco-compatible, 65% say had not stayed or did not know whether they stayed in a hotel that respects the environment. Our network, with more than 2,500 eco-friendly accommodations in the world, makes searching and booking hotels, cottages, bed and breakfasts, camping, and any other type of accommodation that are investing in a greener world very simple and immediate.

However, Sustainable Travel Report by also reveals that there are still those who are unfamiliar with sustainable tourism and eco-friendly hotels. Among those who have not planned to stay in a hotel like this for the next 12 months, 39% said that the reason is that they did not even know the existence of this type of accommodation. Also some have a wrong idea of what it means to sleep in a sustainable accommodation: someone of the interviewed, as reason why they choose not to book an eco-friendly hotel, have stated that they consider this type of accommodation less luxurious than others. It is still too widespread the idea that sustainable accommodation are somewhat spartan and uncomfortable, but instead they are wonderful hotels investing in clean energy, offering local and organic food, using the latest construction techniques.
We must therefore continue to improve and promote sustainable tourism, but are still many conscious travelers, eager to respect the environment while on vacation. 62% of subjects who responded to the survey has confirmed their intention to stay at eco-friendly hotels and 50% have considered to visit a destination only for its environmental sustainability.
And if there is a growth in demand, also the offer fits. A second study of, conducted on more than 5,000 accommodation, reveals that an increasing number of hotels have decided to invest in environmental protection.