The European Cycling Challenge is coming back!
Every year during the month of May, there is the greatest team challenge between urban cyclists in Europe. The SRM of Bologna in 2012 gave rise to this original and fun campaign to promote the use of bicycles, a symbol of an increasingly necessary sustainable mobility.

bikes in the city

Get the bike, add a bit of competitiveness and civic pride and the technology of an App and you’ll have the more sustainable event of the year!
The citizens of the participating cities can challenge friends and colleagues in everyday trips and, along with them, will challenge other European cities. Go to school, to work, go shopping or go to the movies will be much more fun!

This beautiful campaign has three main objectives:

  • promote a more sustainable lifestyle and the use of bicycles for commuting
  • reduce the CO2 emissions caused by car travel
  • collecting data on the mobility of cyclists

The city need to know where people use the bike, what are the areas that need new cycle-path; the European Cycling Challenge provides information on the actual behavior of citizens, necessary for monitoring and urban planning.

Gdansk 's Heatmap, winner city of the 2015 European Cycling Challenge
Gdansk ‘s Heatmap, winner city of 2015

If, along with your city, you will take part at the European Cycling Challenge you will notice, in just one month, significant changes: you’ll forget the traffic congestion, the city will be less polluted and you could enjoy the benefits of a more active lifestyle.

How to take part to the European Cycling Challenge?

On the website you can find all the information and all the rules of the European Cycling Challenge. If you want to participate in the campaign along with your city, write to your mayor. There is time until February 29!

Have fun, save CO2 and guide your town to victory in this incredible and sustainable competition!


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