Tag Archives: smart technology

Smart Cities: the cities that see “beyond”
Cities have become home to local people who permanently reside there, but also to thousands of tourists who travel around the world. This generates the need to organize spaces so that the movement of people and the impact of their daily actions do not negatively affect them. A good organization and management of cities provides a better quality of life for those who are there and for those who […]
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7 Eco-Friendly Apps to Help You Help the Environment
Sometimes we feel like the changes we want to see are bigger than us. We may think that we have no power over the environment and making our planet a better, safer, and healthier place. But, the truth is, every change starts with an individual, and you need to start with yourself. Living a greener lifestyle […]
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Where are Kids? Try a Tracking App during your Family Vacation
Theme Parks, crowded beaches, big cities, large campsites … The holiday can turn into a nightmare when you do not know where the children are anymore. Today with tracking apps it s easier to locate your kids, friends or family members on a map, without ever making a call. Where are Kids? During vacations can […]
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The bus of the future? An electric underground high speed shuttle
Have you ever dreamed living in a city without cars and speeding inside underground shuttle from one part of town to another? Now your dream comes true thanks to the extraordinary innovative project of Elon Musk. The bus of the future? High speed underground shuttle will be realized to resolve the problem of the mass transport of […]
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Eco Homes of the Future
It’s about time that the world starting creating more eco homes. We are far too dependent on fossil fuels, our resources are slowly diminishing, and the way many of us are living is having a horrible impact on the environment. It doesn’t need to be this way. It’s clear that eco homes of the future […]
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