Tag Archives: rural tourism

Connecting with Nature and Supporting Local Agriculture in Farm Stay
A farm stay is an adventure packed with rustic charm and hands-on agricultural activities. These stays allow visitors a tranquil escape from the urban grind, immersing them in an environment where life follows the rhythm of nature. However, farm stays are about so much more than that. We consulted experts in sustainable travel to bring […]
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Donkeys, from pet-therapy to green holidays
Donkeys, docile animals that allow us to rediscover the slowness and ability to get in touch with others. Here is where to spend a green holiday with them in Italy. After the mechanization of agriculture, donkeys began to disappear. We thought we no longer needed them, but how wrong we were! In the 1950s, donkeys […]
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From Grumes a virtuous example of green and rural tourism
There is in Grumes, a small village of 450 inhabitants of Trentino, a community that has decided to take the road of ecology and sustainability. They chose to invest on clean energy and on slow tourism slow, integrated with nature and agriculture. They chose a new type of economy, in favor of sustainability and energy […]
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Walking in Val d’Orcia, along the Tuscany’s Via Francigena
Starting your journey to discover the places requires a certain amount of preparation, walking sometimes becomes a challenge with yourself, when you are walking you can look into yourself, and you have the opportunity to reflect … looking outside! In recent decades, the Via Francigena, the way that in ancient times was the way of […]
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How to travel Italy for free, working on organic farms
If you like living in nature and rediscovering the pleasure of manual work, there is a way to travel to Italy across its organic farms. “When your hands are busy your heart is serene” wrote the Japanese artist Akira Yoshizawa. Sometimes only the real work, near the earth, nature and animals, makes us feel very […]
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