Tag Archives: Milan

The “Giro d’Italia” in 80 libraries
A crazy adventure, where 100 special cyclists, italian writers and editors, travel on two wheels through Italy, stopping in Bookstores, Libraries, Cultural festivals . The first edition of “Il giro d’Italian in 80 librerie” (“The Tour of Italy in 80 libraries”) came from Aosta and will arrive in Rome, stopping at the Book Fair in […]
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How it happened I found myself watering zucchini instead of answering mails of angry clients!
Never thought of playing a part in “Hamlet” and go back home mumbling the immortal line “to be or not to be” while holding a tomato in your hand? Well, it could happen sooner or later at “Teatro Franco Parenti”. Why? Have all actors gone vegetarian, are they supporting organic food? It could be but […]
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