Tag Archives: melting glaciers

Afloat. Iceberg as big as London will break away from Antarctic shelf
An enormous iceberg will break away from the Brunt shelf that is collocated in a southern zone of the Antarctic continent. The huge bulk of ice, according to experts’ position, will have an extension equal about the dimension of the metropolis of London. The announcement recalls to our minds what happened during the summer of 2017 […]
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Shocking study: Complete climate collapse in 12 years
“If climate were an important bank, rich governments would have already saved it”. An IPCC study reveals that climate effects due to CO2 emissions and confirms the 1,5°C increase of the global temperature. The limit that 197 states committed to respect by signing the Paris Agreements has already been exceeded, with devasting consequences. Devastation and […]
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Melting Glaciers: causes and effects
Listening to the news talking about the melting glaciers, of the harsh causes and difficult consequences on the environment is nowadays become normal. A very important phenomenon to do not underestimate: it is damaging our generation It may cause ruin the life on the earth forever The melting of the glaciers is caused by the […]
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