Tag Archives: itineraries by bike

Baronnies Provençales Regional Park: Green Guide
A small corner of Provence in the Rhône-Alpes region, the Baronnies Provençales Regional Nature Park is the perfect place for a stay immersed in nature. Established in 2015, this park will leave you speechless with its perched villages, spectacular landscapes, and incredible biodiversity. Discover it through our green guide. Villages Not to Miss The park […]
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Exploring the Riviera dei Fiori: A Fascinating Bicycle Itinerary from Imperia to Sanremo
Discover a dream bicycle itinerary along the Riviera dei Fiori. From Imperia to Sanremo, pedaling through spectacular landscapes, ancient villages, and the blue of the sea. The Riviera dei Fiori in Liguria is one of the most beautiful coastal areas in Europe. It has mild climate, picturesque coastal towns, and splendid panoramic views. One of […]
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Cycle Tourism In Italy: Not Just A Niche Anymore! Here Are The Numbers Of A Fast-growing Trend
Cycle tourism, an activity that combines the pleasure of traveling with a passion for cycling, is becoming more and more popular. The latest data, such as those provided by Legambiente in their press release of 2023, confirm that bike tourism is no longer a niche, but is emerging as an increasingly widespread travel trend. The […]
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Cycling holidays in Marine Protected Area of Torre del Cerrano
A pine forest that separates the land from the sea, sand dunes shaped by the wind that almost dive into the Adriatic Sea and a strip of pristine sea: today we want to tell you about Torre del Cerrano Marine Protected Area. In Abruzzo, between the elegant town of Pineto and the suggestive village of […]
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From Trieste to Muggia by bike and then to Croatia
Gale is about to embark on an exciting adventure: she and her husband will leave from Trieste to ride the Route of Health and Friendship Hi I read about the Route of Health and Friendship on your website. My husband and I, from Australia, will be staying in Trieste, with our road bikes, in June this year. We […]
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Slow Holiday in Sardinia: 5 itineraries not to be missed in the South of the island
One of the most beautiful region of Italy: Sardinia. An unreal enchanted place, a gem of the earth which rises from the sea, a breeding isle of different landscapes, which makes it a real natural paradise. But Sardinia is not just this: it is also the perfect destination for those who love walking and exploring […]
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Mountain bike holidays in Italy
Now that the warm days have passed and that most of the tourists have returned to work, it’s time to organize a nice weekend by mountain bike! We savor a few moments of freedom, we discover new landscapes, we measure our strength and our limitations in a green weekend. We choose the area of Italy that […]
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Around Italy by bike
The wind flowing through your hair, the thrill of a fast descent, the scents of nature and of the city, freedom: nothing is unattainable, everything is closer and everything is more beautiful on your bike. There are some cities in Italy that seem to be born to be visited and experienced by bicycle, where the […]
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Top 10 Bike Tours in Europe
“When the spirits are low, when the day appears dark, when work becomes monotonous, when hope hardly seems worth having, just mount a bicycle and go out for a spin down the road, without thought on anything but the ride you are taking.” Sir Arthur Conan Doyle If this year you promised to travel more, […]
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