Tag Archives: festival

8 Points to Explain Responsible Tourism: the Manifesto of IT.A.CÀ
Responsible tourism is an increasingly discussed and important topic. But what exactly does “travel responsibly” mean? How to be a tourist respectful of the environment, places and local communities? Which principles should be followed? The festival of responsible tourism “IT.A.CÀ, migrants and travelers” has answered these questions with a new interesting Manifesto (in Italian). It is […]
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The delicious truffle: 10 festivals for a gourmet holiday in Italy
From city to city, Italy in the fall becomes a perfect destination for a gourmet holiday. With the first days of cold a period full of festivals begins, perfect for discovering the flavors and products typical of the different regions. From chestnuts to apples, from pumpkins to porcini mushrooms: walking around the villages during the coming […]
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Cleto Festival, discovering Calabria’s ancient villages
This summer Cleto Festival will come back, a Calabrian event that lets you discover all the charms of the ancient villages. Here is a new date to add to our calendar: from August 19 to 21 we can not miss the seventh edition of Cleto Festival, three evenings of music, art and history among the […]
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"It.a.cà", Responsible Tourism Festival around Bologna
How to travel responsibly? There are a lot of books and publications on the topic, but we are tired of definitions and we would like you experience it firsthand! It’s “It.a.cà”, the Italian festival dedicated to the Responsible Tourism, that will take place in Emilia Romagna from May 25th to June 2nd 2013. In the […]
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