Tag Archives: education

Is There Enough Environmental Education in Schools and Universities?
Environmental education helps people understand and confront global issues like climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, and resource depletion. Schools and universities must prepare students for a world where sustainability is fundamental for survival. Despite growing awareness of environmental challenges, environmental education varies throughout school institutions. Some schools teach sustainability principles, but others merely cover the […]
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Green School Initiatives: Cultivating Eco-Consciousness among Students
Ever heard of the Green School Initiatives? What do you think that’s all about? Well, this article has it all covered for you. The Green School Initiatives was established in 2004. And it all began when some concerned parents observed the unhealthy environmental state of institutions their kids belonged to. They came together to purposefully […]
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7 Eco Trends That Are Important To Education Systems
Every year the number of environmental strikes among the younger generation is growing. Why? Let’s take the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report as an example. According to this study, scientists found that human activity caused global warming by about 1.0 °C. Thus, if people do not cease to affect the climate negatively, then […]
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The Importance of Online Museums for Modern Education
Modern education is rapidly transforming its conventional format. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all the instructions are delivered through the Internet now, so students don’t have to leave their homes and attend institutions to learn something new. They have become more independent since it’s not required to be in a certain place at a specific […]
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5 Books on Nature to give to the little ones for Christmas
Books can be a very important gift for the eco-heroes of tomorrow. Getting children closer to reading and making them aware of the environment is essential to protect the world they will live in when they grow up. Here is a list of 5 books to give to little readers at Christmas. Be a Friend […]
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