Tag Archives: deforestation

Monarch Butterfly: a 2500 Miles Trip
Close your eyes, clear your mind and open them again. You are in pine and fir-tree forest in the mountains of Michoacán, Mexico. Only the sound of water and the rays of the sun through the dense vegetation graze your face. All around you, waves of orange and black flying through a timeless forest: these […]
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NASA: The Earth is greener than 20 years ago, thanks to the Reforestation practices of China and India
Despite the continuous news on deforestation, raging wildfires, and land exploitation, the Earth seems greener than it was 20 years ago, says NASA. For a large part of this successful reforestation, two countries, China and India should be praised. But what have these two nations done that we can learn from? Around 15% of the […]
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Melting Glaciers: causes and effects
Listening to the news talking about the melting glaciers, of the harsh causes and difficult consequences on the environment is nowadays become normal. A very important phenomenon to do not underestimate: it is damaging our generation It may cause ruin the life on the earth forever The melting of the glaciers is caused by the […]
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100 UNESCO sites are disappearing
We are destroying nature, the world is becoming unbearable for a large number of animal and plant species. The first effects of climate change are already visible in many parts of the world, and now an Australian research tells us that more than 100 natural sites, inserted in the World Heritage Site by UNESCO, are likely to […]
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