Tag Archives: books

Top 3 sustainability books available on Headway: Insights for a greener future
Our planet faces big issues now. Resources deplete quickly, pollution rises, and climate change affects daily life. Many feel powerless and confused about making a difference, as news reports create a sense of helplessness. But knowledge can light the way. Books on sustainability can clear the fog and give straight answers. They offer practical steps […]
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5 Books About Sustainability Every Student Will Enjoy
After decades of carelessly using Earth’s resources and ignoring multiple problems caused by it, humanity finally has to acknowledge its mistakes. Today, sustainability is a major trend and a hot topic in every discussion concerning the future of our civilization. There are plenty of books, articles, and documentaries devoted to what the current state of affairs […]
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5 Books on Nature to give to the little ones for Christmas
Books can be a very important gift for the eco-heroes of tomorrow. Getting children closer to reading and making them aware of the environment is essential to protect the world they will live in when they grow up. Here is a list of 5 books to give to little readers at Christmas. Be a Friend […]
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5 Sustainable Tourism Books You Must Read
Sustainable tourism aims to simultaneously serve the needs of tourists and host communities, protecting and expanding opportunities for the future. To promote sustainable tourism is to manage all the resources involved in tourism, in such a way that economic, social and environmental needs can be met without neglecting the maintenance of cultural integrity, essential ecological […]
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12 books for your green commitments: holiday in a monastery or growing your own tomatoes?
New Year has just shown up together with the wind of enthusiasm and good proposal planning which usually goes with it. Some of us will once again decide to subscribe an annual membership to the gym around the corner from home and others will go for the yoga sessions so as to train body and […]
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