Tag Archives: around the world

Recycling Lessons from Different Countries in the World
It is no secret that our planet’s population is increasing from year to year. Technological progress is tangible – we live faster and have less and less time to stop and look at the state of the world around us. We think about how much we are polluting our only home when we come across […]
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10 trips to meet the most beautiful creatures of the sea (and oceans)
The wild, mysterious and immense sea hides a rich and surprising life, made up of fascinating, elegant and often imposing inhabitants. Spotting whales, turtles and seahorses is a truly unique experience that can be worth a whole trip. We have selected 10 locations around the world where you can meet the inhabitants of the sea […]
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5 things not to forget before your trip round the world
Travelling is an amazing chance to learn about the world, have once-in-a-lifetime experiences, and, more than anything, have a great time. But it’s not just about the fun. New science papers suggest that getting away – and it doesn’t even matter where you’re going – is an essential habit of effective thinking, encouraging improvements to […]
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