Tag Archives: walking holidays

3 Walking Itineraries in Liencres: Exploring the Spanish Coast Shaped by the Waves
Imagine walking along a long path surrounded by lush green meadows that resemble high-altitude pastures, crossed by streams, dotted with thousands of colorful flowers, and inhabited by birds, cows, goats, and horses. This rural trail ends with breathtaking views of the sea below, where frothy waves crash against rocks sculpted by wind and water over […]
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Enchanted woodlands and cliffs – your walking holiday in Ireland
There is Dublin with its pubs, there are castles that dot the entire territory. There are very high cliffs that leave you breathless, there is music, festivals, and the desire to have fun. Ireland is a multifaceted country and is also a perfect destination for a walking holiday. For those traveling on foot, Ireland is […]
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