Tag Archives: smart city

The Rise of Smart Solar Street Lights in Urban Landscapes
As cities evolve, so does their need for smarter, more sustainable solutions. Enter the era of solar street lights in urban landscapes. These innovative lights aren’t just sources of illumination; they’re powerful assets for more sustainable, eco-conscious living. Picture safer streets, enhanced aesthetics, and a step towards eco-friendly urban living. Today, we’ll dive into the […]
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Smart Cities: the cities that see “beyond”
Cities have become home to local people who permanently reside there, but also to thousands of tourists who travel around the world. This generates the need to organize spaces so that the movement of people and the impact of their daily actions do not negatively affect them. A good organization and management of cities provides a better quality of life for those who are there and for those who […]
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Carfree cities, where you can enjoy your route!
Living without a car is possible and actually there are so many people getting around by foot, by bike or by public transport all around the world. But there are places where, more than a personal choice, moving around sustainably is a philosophy of life and driving a car is not allowed anymore. There are […]
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