Tag Archives: slow food

Discovering the Authentic Flavors of Basilicata
Welcome to Basilicata, an authentic and magical land, home to an incredible heritage of art, nature, culture, traditions, and flavors. In this story, we invite you to explore two of the region’s most renowned delicacies: cheese and pasta. Family-run and surrounded by greenery, mountains, and animals, Agriturismo Crescente, located just a few kilometers from San […]
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Happiness and Tourism: Investing in the Happiness of Places is the Key to Their Success. Petrini’s Word
Exploring the Deep Connection Between Happiness and Tourism: 3 Key Steps from Carlo Petrini The tourism of the future? It starts with the local residents, their quality of life, their ability to be happy, and their care for the land they live on. Tourists will follow. Carlin Petrini There is a deep connection between happiness […]
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Valle del Savio: a small tour that will bring you back in time
Valle del Savio is one of the countless uncharted beauties of rural Italy. You’ll find unspoiled nature, wonderful old villages, routes and an organic farming-based food tradition. A perfect place for sustainability lovers. Have you ever wondered about a stop to a non mass-tourism destination? Well this is surely not a place that every tourist […]
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Easter holiday in Sicily: 10 temples, 7 churches and unlimited sweet gourmandises
Dreaming of your next Easter holiday? Are you fancying for something exotic but flying several hours is already depressing you? Sicily is your answer. If the Europeans of the eighteenth and nineteenth century travelled all the way down to Sicily facing bandits, bumpy roads, flooding and never ending winding roads, there must be a reason, […]
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12 books for your green commitments: holiday in a monastery or growing your own tomatoes?
New Year has just shown up together with the wind of enthusiasm and good proposal planning which usually goes with it. Some of us will once again decide to subscribe an annual membership to the gym around the corner from home and others will go for the yoga sessions so as to train body and […]
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Terra Madre Day, the World celebrates local food
Imagine a virtual ark of Noah that travels through the world, collecting products that belong to the history, tradition and culture of the entire planet, to save them from extinction. This is the Ark of Taste (“Arca del Gusto”), which, together with all the local food and local products in danger of disappearing, is celebrated […]
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Osmize, where local food is a tradition
Grow and eat locally is the new trend spreading worldwide. Puff up with pride of our green and eco outlook? Take a look at some history. The reality is that this concept was embraced by Maria Therese of Austria over two hundred years ago, not out of goodwill or ecology but as a method of […]
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The flavour of travel, in Bologna and beyond
A good glass of wine and a very good food (better if organic and local grown), is the best way to capture the authentic atmosphere of a place. We have met Andrea Chierici, engineer and curious traveler 28 years old, who in his blog Taste Bologna shares his passion for food and for sustainable travel, […]
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