Tag Archives: Parma

Festival IT.A.CA’ Parma: celebrating responsible tourism with exhibitions, competitions and journeys
From May 25 to June 2 2013, exhibitions, shows, conventions and many itineraries to discover the historic districts of the city, the hidden coves of the Po river, or the mud volcanoes of Rivalta. These are the events of “IT.A.CÀ – Migrants and Travelers” scheduled in Parma. On the occasion of the fifth edition of […]
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"It.a.cà", Responsible Tourism Festival around Bologna
How to travel responsibly? There are a lot of books and publications on the topic, but we are tired of definitions and we would like you experience it firsthand! It’s “It.a.cà”, the Italian festival dedicated to the Responsible Tourism, that will take place in Emilia Romagna from May 25th to June 2nd 2013. In the […]
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