Tag Archives: Lisbon

Walking through European cities: the best destinations
“I have learned that the swiftest traveller is he that goes a-foot” Henry David Thoreau January is the month of reports and good intentions, but we prefer rankings and above all new ideas for traveling! To start this 2022 on the right foot, we have thought about the best way to really discover a city, […]
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Living as a Lisboeta at Casa do Mercado Lisboa. Interview with Francisco, the eco-host in Lisbon
Are you looking for a cozy place in Lisbon downtown to live like a local Portuguese? Casa do Mercado Lisboa is happy to welcome you! Casa do Mercado Lisboa gives you the chance to live like a “lisboeta” in Lisbon. Here you can find all the healthy organic products that Lisbon can offer to you. Starting from […]
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Travelling with a Positive Impact. Interview with Rita of Impact House Lisbon
How can we have a positive impact while we are on vacation? Rita of Impact House shared with us some useful tips to learn even more sustainable practices while travelling. This sustainable hostel allows you to make a difference! Impact House is a space open to the community in Lisbon where sustainability, circular economy and […]
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