Tag Archives: Liguria

Walking in Italy without any map: discover the Via Francigena by foot!
“Pilgrim is the one who seeks, accepting the risk of finding. Because finding means to be more than yo had ever been before. It’s about changing. It’s about dying. To be born again” ( David Gandini) Walking, Hiking, Backpacking, Trekking, are all the same, but in Italy it is tought that Via Francigena is the […]
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Italian Ghost Towns. A new way of tourism?
In Italy there are a lots of abandoned villages, each of them has a incredible story and a unique charm. This Ghost Towns are places where everything seem to be stopped and they can make us travel magically inside the time. Could be a new form of tourism? Let’s discover the Top 6 Ghost Towns in Italy. […]
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Foliage, where to gaze upon the Miracle of Autumn in Italy
September 25th: Autumn officially arrived. It is now slowly progressing through the countryside and urban centers unveiling its warm colors. For students less interested in the colors of the season it means “Summer is over, back to school!” The sight of boys and girls, lugging their backpacks, walking through the fallen leaves to the central […]
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