Tag Archives: eco friendly tour

Ciclovie dei Parchi: 10 Bike Routes Through the Parks of Emilia Romagna
Is cycling your passion? Follow the Ciclovie dei Parchi and discover 10 bike itineraries among the most beautiful parks of Emilia Romangna. “A bike ride is an escape from sadness” – James E. Starrs. Cycling is your biggest passion? And you really like doing it in the middle of unspoilt nature? You’re in the right […]
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A new eco-friendly Route in Italy, on the trail of Leonardo da Vinci
“Il Sentiero di Leonardo” (the trail of Leonardo da Vinci) is a new amazing historical path from Milan (north Italy) to San Bernardino (Switzerland). The itinerary retraces the places where Leonardo da Vinci did his works and studies when he lived in the Ducato of Milan. Probably the most productive period of his longstanding straordinary carreer. A 240 km path […]
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