Tag Archives: clean air

Cadore: guide to the 10 most beautiful walking itineraries
Cadore is a destination full of charm and beauty. On the border with Austria, in the northernmost part of the province of Belluno, this Venetian land offers various itineraries to be covered on foot. From Lake Misurina, to the peaks of Nuvolau, Pelmo, and the Tre Cime di Lavaredo, you can walk and discover incredible […]
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How to Make Green Home Cleaners
So many of the standard cleaning agents we have all used in our homes are made with toxic chemicals and petroleum derivatives. When we spray standard cleaner around our homes we and our children breathe in ammonia and hundreds of other toxins. Most laundry and dish soaps are made from petroleum, which is a non-renewable […]
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Improving Air Quality Can Make You More Productive
Poor air quality is linked to disease. Here are 10 effective ways to improve indoor air quality for healthier and more productive spaces There is a known fact that the quality of air inside our spaces can be 2 to 5 times worse than outdoors? On average, humans spend 90+% of their time inside. It is a […]
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A Harvard study confirms the relationship between Smog and Covid
A study of Harvard University of Massachusetts demonstrates a strong correlation between smog and Covid-19 coronavirus mortality. The air of our cities has become cleaner and nature has returned to shine after the lockdown. But the relationship between covid-19 and pollution is not this. According to a recent study, in fact, smog, and in particular PM2.5 fine […]
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Coronavirus and Air Pollution
Is there any relationship between coronavirus and air pollution? According to some studies, it seems so. Let’s see why polluted air could contribute to the aggressiveness and propagation of Covid-19 all over the world. What is Coronavirus (and Covid-19)? Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that cause diseases ranging from a common cold to serious […]
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The 10 cleanest capital cities in the world
Do you dream a city holiday? Choose one of the world’s cleanest capital cities! So many city to discover, for a weekend or for a whole week of vacation! Strolling looking skywards, digital camera in hand to immortalize the beauty, or biking to admire the most hidden spots: city holidays have a unique charm. But in […]
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