Another year has gone, and now it’s been two years since Ecobnb arrived for the first time on the web. Even these 365 days have been full of satisfactions, challenges and travel. We are committed to the maximum, and we will continue to do so, to promote new forms of tourism that are respectful of nature and local populations. We decided to tell and summarize this second year of our community dedicated to sustainable tourism, and on this occasion to thank you for your support.
The second year of Ecobnb
1 Award
A few days before the birthday, Ecobnb has perhaps received the best gift: international recognition for our project. Ecobnb is the 1st runner-up of the UNWTO Awards, organized by the World Tourism Organization, in the category Innovation in Enterprises.
2 Thesis
The University of Venice IUSVE with Professor Maria Grazia Villa (graduate student Alessia Sarli) and Professor Francesco Sordi (graduate student Laura Franchi) dedicated two thesis to Ecobnb. Alessia’s thesis is “The ethics of communication for responsible tourism: the study case of Ecobnb“, Laura’s paper is in web marketing and digital communication, with the title “The role of environmental empathy in the marketing: eco-sustainability as a competitive advantage. ”
3 New Partners
In this second year of the project, we’ve started three new and important collaborations: with Lifegate, with Howmanytrees and with the association Alpine Pearls. Along with Lifegate, we want to promote sustainability, both on vacation and in everyday life. HowManyTrees is the a website of 2 Italian engineers that allows you to calculate in a simple and fast way your own environmental impact in terms of trees; thanks to them we have calculated the CO2 and trees savings per our requirement of sustainability. The Alpine Pearls association, founded in 2006, currently unites 24 tourist resorts of Alp committed to the promotion of sustainable holidays and soft mobility.
34 Countries involved in the project
The number of eco-sustainable accommodations in our network is constantly increasing and currently you can find accommodation in 34 different countries.
62 articles on newspapers and magazines
Many newspapers and magazines have talked about our project and our early goals, including Il Sole 24 ore, Vanity Fair, Süddeutsche Zeitung and Wellness Magazin.
73,24% of mobile traffic
Our website receives more and more visits and smartphones are the main device used by our users.
363 commits (code integrations)
We always try to improve our web site, through additions and amendments to the code.
500 Coffees and 1000 cappuccinos
Travel, meetings, presentations and marketing: nothing would be possible without a large number of coffee and cappuccino for our staff.
1116 nights
More and more travelers choose to book through Ecobnb, to be sure to choose accommodations that are eco-friendly. In the past 12 months, you have booked a total of 1,116 nights.
2700 Customers cared
Our customer service has helped, through mail and telephone, 2700 customers.
8283 Kg of CO2 saved
Whenever a traveler book a Ecobnb accommodation, they save a certain amount of CO2. An eco-hotel saves on CO2 emissions up to 90% compared to a traditional hotel.
Our community is getting bigger and now the people who follow us through social are more and more! Are you already among them?
142451 trees saved
Thanks to our travelers, we save as stated CO2. An action that is equivalent to planting new trees. Our community has therefore virtually planted 142,451 trees. Not bad, right?
528,935 new users
Users that subscribe to Ecobnb increase every day and thanks to the growth of this year we got 660,939 users!