
Have you ever thought to attach to your bicycle a pedal powered blender, in order to give smoothies around the world?

That’s the idea of Federico Damiani, who will start these days to “an unknown destination and for an indefinite time.” Unique traveling companions, his bicycle and a pedal powered blender!

The only real goal to achieve: to embrace the taste and the pace of the bicycle, and to share his  adventure with those who will meet during his trip!


It will be a no impact trip, both for the means of transportation chosen, the bicycle, whether for the purpose of minimizing his ecological footprint and eliminate the unjustified use of resources.
Federico will leave with few things: a camera and an old cell phone, no smart phone or computer. During his journey he will find accommodations through the networks of couchsurfing and Woof.

The blender will be his “fundamental edge tool” – Frederick writes in his blog – with the important task of “promoting the interaction and the solidarity between people.”


What has encouraged Federico to undertake this a little crazy journey – in addition to his innate instinct of traveler (2 years ago he has left his steady job, well paid with the possibility of make a career, in order to travel around Europe) – the desire to rediscover the sharing and solidarity, simplicity and sobrietyto “recover the values ​​that for centuries have ensured the quality of our lives and now, all of a sudden, they seem to be evaporated without leaving memory.”

Sometimes, minimizing our luggage and our needs, we are able to maximizing the benefits of meeting with others. Have you ever noticed that?