Tag Archives: environmental protection

Is There Enough Environmental Education in Schools and Universities?
Environmental education helps people understand and confront global issues like climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, and resource depletion. Schools and universities must prepare students for a world where sustainability is fundamental for survival. Despite growing awareness of environmental challenges, environmental education varies throughout school institutions. Some schools teach sustainability principles, but others merely cover the […]
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William Shakespeare the eco-warrior!
Shakespeare’s verses spoke volumes about the environment and environmentalism. William Shakespeare did not use these only because these terms hadn’t been coined as neologisms at the time but much later. However, Shakespeare did have environmentally aware views inasmuch as these blends well with our own perceptions of the environmental issues right before us in the […]
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A Thousand Billion Trees within 2030
A new ambitious goal for the protection of the planet: planting a thousand billion trees within 2030 A new goal to reach within 2030 has been set at the G20 summit in Rome: planting a thousand billion trees in order to save our planet. Trees absorb CO2, which is necessary for their livelihood, and this […]
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